Waste To Energy

FTF Waste Solutions Ltd is a leading provider of waste to energy services, utilising cutting-edge technology to convert waste into a valuable energy source. By offering this innovative solution, they help clients reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • Waste to energy plays a crucial role in addressing two pressing global challenges: waste management and clean energy production. The importance of waste to energy lies in its ability to simultaneously mitigate the environmental impacts of waste disposal while generating renewable energy.

  • Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is produced from domestic and business waste. By converting non-recyclable waste into a valuable fuel source, our RDF services help reduce landfill waste and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Solid recovered fuel (SRF) services offer an efficient and sustainable solution for waste management. With the aim of diverting waste from landfill sites, our SRF services collect and process various types of solid waste, such as plastics, wood, and paper, transforming them into a valuable fuel source. By utilizing advanced technologies, Our SRF facilities ensure the extraction of maximum energy content, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a circular economy.